Driveway Installation in San Francisco Bay Area FAQ

driveway installation san francisco

A driveway is one of the biggest contributors when it comes to the curb appeal of a home. So what is a driveway and how it can enhance our home’s appearance? A driveway is the path that connects your house to the public road or any other building.

We at Promodeling Inc. have answered a few basic queries that most of our clients ask when they approach us for remodeling their existing driveway or a new driveway installation in San Francisco Bay Area.

  • Is there a need of planning permission for installing a driveway?

Installing or recreating a driveway often can be done without a need to get planning permission. However, it depends upon a few factors such as drainage, which is one of the most essential aspects of any contemporary driveway. If you prefer using porous material on your new or replacement driveway then there is no need of getting a planning permission. However, if you opt for impermeable surface then getting a planning permission is a must. In such cases, it is necessary to have a drainage duct that leads to a sewer outlet.

  • Is a dropped curb needed for my driveway?

Drop curb helps vehicles to cross the pavement from the road to a driveway. However, it requires planning permission. If there is a need to create a new access point for vehicles to your home and it involves crossing a footway or pavement then a dropped curb is necessary. Using the curb without taking prior planning permission can lead to litigation from the local council.

  • Which material is right for driveway installation?

When it comes to driveway installation in San Francisco Bay Area there are numerous material options available to lay on the driveway. From concrete, asphalt, bricks, cobblestones to gravel and more, you can find varied options to choose from! But which one is right for your driveway depends upon a few factors such as if you want a long lasting solution then you can go for concrete, if you are looking for a cost effectiveand easy to install option then asphalt is the best and likewise. Also if your driveway is on a slope then you can opt for cobblestone or bricks.

Installing a Driveway

  • Is drainage required for my driveway?

The main concern when it comes to driveway installation in San Francisco Bay Area is the water drainage. No matter whichever driveway surface you choose, if the water drainage is poor on the surface then it will deteriorate the driveway quickly. Also, make sure to use porous materials such as asphalt and gravel while installing or remodeling your driveway for better drainage.

At Promodeling Inc. we scrutinize your area carefully before installing new driveway which helps us in deciding the right material and style of the driveway. Need help? Contact us today at 510-529-4453 or email us at